Discover a New Tool to Help You Not Just Survive but Thrive at Work…

What if instead of trying to change the system, you could transform the way you feel at work? By cultivating an unshakeable sense of safety in your body, you can navigate work life with more ease, joy, and (gasp!) even fun.

The Unfudgeable Sense of Safety

Are you tired of putting on a "work face" just to get through the day? What if you could cultivate a sense of safety and authenticity in your workplace, no matter the circumstances?

Welcome to Breathwork for Better Business—a transformative experience designed to help you reconnect with your authentic self and thrive at work.

Choose How Your Feel At Work…

This isn't about ignoring toxic workplaces or challenging bosses. It's about equipping yourself to face them with resilience and grace.

Imagine feeling confident and centered, no matter what's happening around you. This is your body. You choose how you feel in it—even (especially) at work.

And the reality of today’s workplace is that we often feel pressured to suppress our true selves. This can lead to burnout and disengagement. But what if, instead of trying to change the system—which often feels out of our control—we focused on coming home to ourselves?

By cultivating an unfudgeable sense of safety in our bodies, we can navigate work life with more ease, joy, and even fun!

Wait. How Does Breathwork Help Me Cultivate
Feeling Safe in my Body?

That's a great question! It's not immediately obvious how something as simple as breathing can create such a profound shift in how we feel. Here's how it works:

The Mind-Body Connection

  • Your breath is a powerful bridge between your conscious mind and your autonomic nervous system (the part that controls things like heart rate, digestion, and your stress response).

  • When you feel stressed or unsafe, your breath becomes shallow and rapid, activating your sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight).

  • You intentionally change your breathing patterns to slow down and deepen your breath. This signals to your body that you're safe, activating your parasympathetic nervous system (rest-and-digest).

Releasing Trauma and Tension

  • Often, feelings of unsafety are rooted in past experiences stored in the body as tension, tightness, or even pain.

  • Breathwork, particularly this technique that involves deeper, more conscious breathing, helps to release this stored tension.

  • As you release physical tension, you also release the emotional charge associated with it, creating a sense of release and relief in the body.

Cultivating Interoception

  • Interoception is your ability to sense what's happening inside your body – your heartbeat, your breath, your gut feelings.

  • Breathwork tunes you into what’s going on in your body so that you are aware of these internal sensations.

  • This increased awareness helps you develop a stronger mind-body connection, allowing you to notice and interpret your body's signals more accurately.

  • As you become more attuned to your body, you learn to identify and respond to your needs more effectively, creating a deeper sense of safety and trust in yourself.

Shifting Your Physiology

  • By changing your breathing patterns, you directly influence your physiology.

  • These physiological changes contribute to a sense of calm, relaxation, and well-being, which translates into feeling safer in your body.

It's important to remember that cultivating a felt sense of safety in your body is an ongoing practice. Consistent breathwork practice can help you develop a stronger mind-body connection, release stored tension, and create a deeper sense of safety and well-being from within.

The Invitation

Join me for Breathwork for Better Business

This is your opportunity to change how you feel in your body—especially at work. Together, we will cultivate safety, belonging, and a thriving work environment.

Ready to Join Us?