Cultivating Safety from Within: A Heart-Centered Approach to Product Leadership

I’m going to say something provocative.

As an adult, it is not anyone else’s responsibility—or right—to make you feel safe.

Feeling safe is an inside job. It is one of the most important jobs of your life, both in and out of the workplace.

It’s not up to your leaders, your workplace, your partners, or your families to ‘make you feel safe.’ Finding a felt sense of safety in your body is up to you.

We can create compassionate environments filled with curiosity. We can co-create places where the intention is to have people feel seen, heard, and belong without judgment. But as far as safety goes, that is up to you.

Safety is a Practice, Not a Binary State

Feeling safe is not a binary state. It is a practice, a flow. While external circumstances, people, places, and things can influence this feeling, it is not dependent on them.

When we are born, we don’t have a fully developed nervous system. Instead, we rely on our caregivers' nervous systems to regulate our own. Many people in the modern age walk around feeling unsafe, having inherited this feeling as normal. Feelings of unsafety often manifest as anxiety, depression, or addiction.

Research shows that these feelings are deeply rooted in our biology. When we experience trauma, our bodies trap energy from these events, leading to what I call somatic survival loops. These loops are automatic responses that our bodies use to navigate perceived threats, often taking our executive functions offline and limiting our ability to choose our behavior.

Many clients over the years have asked me… “How do I feel safe in an unsafe environment?”

The guidance is, the felt sense of safety comes from within.

The Role of Somatic Survival Loops

When our biological responses are triggered, these somatic survival loops kick in. In the workplace, this might look like:

  • Avoidance of challenging tasks due to fear of failure.

  • Overworking to the point of burnout as a way to feel in control.

  • Difficulty in making decisions because of overwhelming anxiety.

  • Conflict with colleagues stemming from unprocessed trauma responses.

These survival loops are our body’s way of trying to keep us safe based on past experiences. However, they can also prevent us from fully engaging and thriving in our professional lives.

The Importance of Cultivating Internal Safety

That’s why it is crucial for us to cultivate a felt sense of safety within our bodies. The moment we outsource this to an external anchor, we lose our agency and power. In the workplace, this is particularly important because:

  • Empowered leaders create empowered teams. When we feel safe within ourselves, we can lead with empathy and clarity.

  • Innovation thrives in safe environments. A team that feels secure is more likely to take creative risks and think outside the box.

  • Authentic connection builds stronger teams. When safety is an internal state, we can create genuine, compassionate connections with our colleagues.

A Heart-Centered Approach

At Heart-Centered Product, we believe in the power of embodied product management centered in empathy. This means:

  • Empathy for ourselves: Recognizing our own needs and creating a foundation of internal safety.

  • Empathy for our teams: Understanding the diverse experiences and needs of our colleagues.

  • Empathy for our users: Creating products that truly resonate with human needs and aspirations.

Our programs and services are designed to support you in this journey. From our membership community to one-on-one coaching and immersive retreats, we provide the tools and resources to help you cultivate a felt sense of safety, enhance your leadership skills, and create a positive impact in your workplace.

It’s time to ditch the hustle culture and embrace a more human way of leading and creating. Join us in building a future where technology is built with heart, where products are not just functional but deeply resonate with human needs and aspirations.

Cultivating Safety from Within: A Somatic Practice

This practice is designed to help you cultivate a felt sense of safety within your body. By regularly engaging in this somatic practice, you can enhance your ability to feel safe, grounded, and empowered, both in your personal and professional life.

Setting the Stage

Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed for about 10-15 minutes. Sit or lie down in a position that allows you to relax but stay alert. Take a few deep breaths to settle into the present moment.

Step 1: Grounding

  1. Begin with Breath: Close your eyes and take three slow, deep breaths. Inhale through your nose, hold for a moment, and exhale through your mouth. Let each exhale release tension from your body.

  2. Feel Your Connection to the Earth: If you're sitting, feel your feet on the ground and your body supported by the chair. If you're lying down, feel the surface beneath you. Imagine roots extending from your body into the earth, grounding you.

Step 2: Body Scan

  1. Start at the Top: Bring your attention to the top of your head. Slowly scan down through your forehead, eyes, cheeks, and jaw. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort.

  2. Move Downward: Continue the scan down your neck, shoulders, arms, chest, and abdomen. Observe without judgment, just noticing how each part of your body feels.

  3. Finish with the Lower Body: Continue scanning down through your hips, thighs, knees, calves, and feet. Take your time, and if you encounter areas of tightness, breathe into them gently.

Step 3: Creating a Safe Space

  1. Visualize a Safe Space: Imagine a place where you feel completely safe and at ease. This could be a real place you've been to or a place from your imagination. Picture it in as much detail as possible.

  2. Engage Your Senses: In your mind's eye, look around this safe space. What do you see? What sounds are present? Are there any particular smells or sensations? Engage all your senses to make this space feel real.

Step 4: Anchor in Safety

  1. Find a Physical Anchor: Place one hand on your heart and the other on your abdomen. Feel the warmth and pressure of your hands against your body.

  2. Repeat a Mantra: Silently repeat to yourself, "I am safe. I am grounded. I am here." Feel the meaning of these words resonate within you.

Step 5: Somatic Awareness

  1. Notice Sensations: Pay attention to any sensations that arise in your body. Do you feel warmth, tingling, or relaxation? Allow yourself to fully experience these sensations without trying to change them.

  2. Breathe with Intention: With each inhale, imagine drawing in safety and calm. With each exhale, release any remaining tension or fear.

Step 6: Reflect and Integrate

  1. Reflect on the Experience: Take a moment to reflect on how you feel now compared to when you started. Notice any shifts in your body or mind.

  2. Set an Intention: Set a gentle intention to carry this sense of safety with you throughout your day. It could be as simple as reminding yourself of your safe space or repeating your mantra when needed.


Open your eyes slowly and take a few moments to reorient yourself to your surroundings. Remember, cultivating a felt sense of safety is a practice that grows stronger with regular attention. By integrating this somatic practice into your routine, you empower yourself to lead with heart and create compassionate, empathetic environments both within and around you.

Join Our Community

Want to take this deeper? At Heart-Centered Product, we support your journey towards embodied leadership. Our programs, coaching, and retreats are designed to help you cultivate internal safety, enhance your leadership skills, and create positive impacts in your workplace.


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